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When shopping for your fur babies check out Gladdys Goodies Reesee says yum@ Https://gladdysgoodies.com

Both my dogs Maxwell and Molly (Frenchie and Boston) LOVED the turkey jerky. They were having some fur issues and skin problems so I switched up their food and treats to a more natural approach, These are super healthy and natural and my dogs cant live without them!

We PROUDLY Support our 1st Responders and Military Heroes
K9s and their handlers that put their lives at risk for us every day deserve special recognition and support for the job they do. That’s why we proudly support the K9 units of the US Military, Fire and Police Departments. Every chance we get we donate bags of treats to help them do their job with a protein burst for energy and alertness. To find out how to recommend your K9 unit for free treats contact (877) 4-Gladdy

Our Passion: We Advocate for Adoption and Stopping Animal Cruelty
We are huge proponents of adopting animals, especially senior animals who have a less likely chance of finding a forever home to spend their last days at. The reality is most senior animals are euthanized unless surrendered to a non-kill shelter or a rescue. All our animals (Gladdy, Ali, Luna and Biscuit) were all rescues, Gladdy was a senior animal and they changed our lives in so many ways. Our mission is to help rescues get those animals adopted, raise awareness to adopt and not “shop” for animals and to stop puppy mills. That’s where Ali was from. Please stand with us to help us make a difference. We want to end puppy mills, kill shelters, animal fighting rings, and promote adoption.